Volunteers of America AmeriCorps Seniors-RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program)

Jun 1, 2021 | Social, Connection & Community Engagement

AmeriCorps Seniors-RSVP is a national service program (similar to PeaceCorps and AmeriCorps) aimed and mobilizing citizens (55+) for volunteer service. Larimer RSVP works to match volunteers, age 55+, with volunteer opportunities at more than 60 nonprofit Partner-Agencies throughout Larimer County. Volunteers of America is the sponsor of AmeriCorps Seniors-RSVP in Larimer County. It is a free service and there are no requirements as to the length or type of volunteer service you perform.
Click here to learn more about RSVP and to download an Enrollment Form.

405 Canyon Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80521