Neighbor to Neighbor HomeShare

Neighbor to Neighbor HomeShare

HomeShare matches homeowners 55 years or older with those looking for a home in Larimer County. Accommodations are offered in exchange for an agreed level of support in the form of financial exchange, assistance with household tasks, or simple companionship. Please...
Food Support

Food Support

Food insecurity has increased significantly. We encourage every family who is facing food insecurity to reach out and see if they are eligible for SNAP (food stamps) or WIC (for families with very young children). Many organizations are ready to help with SNAP and WIC...

Small Business Development Center

The main Larimer SBDC is located in Fort Collins, offering both consulting and training, additional services are held in Berthoud as well as Estes Park. All locations provide free, confidential one-on-one business consulting and low-cost training. Let the SBDC help...